Sermon Details - Unity in Christ Among the Weak and the Strong

Sermon Date: 10/22/2023
Title: Unity in Christ Among the Weak and the Strong
Description: In our continuing study of Romans today Pastor Mark leads us through the remaining portion of chapter 14 and the first half of chapter 15 in the continued theme of unity in the church despite disagreeing on "disputable matters". Consider with us four principles for how to live in unity: 1) not causing fellow believers to stumble; 2) maintaining proper Kingdom priorities; 3) discerning the disputable matters; and 4) following the selflessness of Christ.
Speakers: Pastor Mark Pluimer
Series: Romans: the Power of the Gospel
Bible Verses:
Sermon Content Copyright © 10/22/2023 Pastor Mark Pluimer and/or Covenant Church. All Rights Reserved.

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